Be sure to check this page often, we will update it as we get closer to the date. 
Welcome Parties!
Join us Thursday, September 19 at 5pm! 
Welcome to the extraordinary world of facial hair captured through the lens of acclaimed photographer Eric Perry from the annual event “The Circus of Whiskers”. Step into the mesmerizing realm of the "Whiskered Wonders: Unveiling the Marvels of Facial Follicles," a captivating photography exhibit that serves as the official welcome party for the highly anticipated 2024 Great American Beard and Moustache Championship presented by Honest Amish.
Prepare to be enthralled as you embark on a visual journey celebrating the artistry and diversity of facial hair. Eric Perry's exceptional talent shines through as he showcases an array of eccentric, whimsical, and awe-inspiring facial hair styles. From meticulously groomed handlebar mustaches to flamboyant beards that defy gravity, each photograph encapsulates the unique personality and creativity of its subject.
Following the show we will wonder on over to Barcade just up the block to continue the party with Video Games, Drinks, and Food!
Galerie Camille 5pm-9pm
Barcade 9pm-Midnight
Join us September 20, at 6pm!
Official Registration and Welcome Party for the Great American Beard and Moustache Championship! Come get registered for North America's Ultimate Facial Hair Championship. There will be a raffle, plenty of drinks, and lots of fun! Be on the lookout for updates as the date gets closer.
Explore the City
We have a pretty rad list of some of our favorite spots in & around Detroit for you to check out. Our city really is a magical place and we want you to experience it to the fullest while you're in town! Just click the map to open up our Google Maps list and you can save it from there. 
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