A partial beard is any facial hair that is neither a full beard nor a moustache.
​​Click on the category name or image to purchase the ticket and register for that category. The diagrams here are purely illustrative to show the essential differences between the styles.
Goatee as it grows naturally, the more natural the better. Moustache not required. Goatee and moustache can be accentuated but without styling aids. No curled moustaches.
There must be a clean shaven section at least 1.5" (4 cm, the width of a razor blade) between the onset of the head hair and the beard.
No styling aids allowed.
Hair on the cheeks and upper lip. There must be clean shaven spaces of at least 1.5" wide (4 cm, the width of a razor blade) on the chin and between the facial hair and the onset of the head hair. The whiskers are styled upwards. No closed curls. The hairs on the upper lip may not be separated from the hairs on the cheeks. The beard may not rise above the level of the eyes.
Styling aids allowed.
Traditional Alaskan seafarer’s beard. Bushy hair grown on cheeks, chin, and lower lip. No hair grown on upper lip.
No styling aids allowed.
Must be a true sideburn. No natural or shaven gap by the ear. Chin is shaven at least 1.5" (4 cm, the width of a razor blade) and hair is optional on the upper lip. 
The moustache may or may not be connected, also known as the “friendly or unfriendly” chops.
No styling aids allowed.
Also known as a “3-Point Beard”. The beard is narrow and pointed. The moustache is slender, long, and drawn out in a slight bow. The moustache may not include hairs growing from more than 3/4” past the corners of the mouth. 
*Styling aids permitted. 
Facial Hair will be judged for overall look, overall presentation will be considered.
Partial Beard Freestyle
Sponsored by Whisker Battles
Partial Beard Freestyle includes any freestyle beard that is styled with the base facial hair used having the recognizable characteristics of a Partial Beard. This is a styled partial beard.
Styling aids are allowed, but additional structural materials (wire, rope, lumber) are not permitted.
Fu Manchu
All areas more than 3/4” past the corner of the mouth horizontally must be clean shaven, and the chin area is shaved as well. The moustache and partial beard hairs are permitted to grow from the face descending vertically towards the jawline and 3/4” beyond. The tips of the moustache extend downward. 
Styling aids* permitted.
* If there are not enough competitors to fill this category (3), competitors will be moved into the Partial Beard Freestyle category.
Etched Beard 
or Trend beards are beards that are trimmed short and shaped or provided with patterns, which must not exceed a maximum beard length of 1 cm. There are no limits for your creativity. Only the area from the beard to the hairline is evaluated. A clean and accurate execution of the beard style and creativity of the participant are important for the jury evaluation.
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